Surface Rentals

Clean Harbors Surface Rentals are Your Defense Against Downtime™.
When it comes to surface rentals, Clean Harbors is committed to nothing short of excellence. That’s why you can be assured of the workability, durability and safety of all our equipment when you pick it up at one of our locations or when we deliver it to you.
Download Surface Rentals Brochure
What Sets Apart Clean Harbors Surface Rental Equipment?
- Well-maintained equipment is available when and where you need it. We pull equipment from the field when needed to ensure our assets are maintained on time and on schedule. Our substantial service infrastructure lets you keep on drilling. With thousands of rental assets throughout western Canada and the United States, we are where you are. We consistently have parts available—always within a few hours’ drive of our customers’ locations—so that we can keep your drilling program on time and on budget.
- Well-trained, responsive technicians improve safety and increase efficiency. Our thorough three-level training program teaches our technicians on every aspect of equipment operations and repair, as well as how to make the right calls in the field. Additional training involves ‘shadowing’ and being mentored by an experienced trainer. They receive at least 36 different sign-offs before progressing to the next level. Once on the job, our technicians regularly ensure that all of your surface rental equipment is properly maintained, pre-checked prior to delivery, delivered on time, set up and tested on-site.
- Well-established systems have a proven track record in the field. We only use industry-leading equipment that consistently helps you complete your job efficiently, effectively and securely.
- Well-documented processes provide real-time tracking data in the field. To provide more transparency for our customers and more efficiency for us, our field technicians use a tablet-enabled tracking system, which gives them everything they need at their fingertips.
Drill Camps and Catering

Clean Harbors offers premium camp and catering services for off-site lodging project needs.
When your oil or gas projects require off-site housing, finding a comfortable and safe place for your employees is a must. The responsibility is high to keep workers in a setting closely resembling home.
Our fully equipped mobile drill camps give you the flexibility to set up within a 24-hour period. Clean Harbors catering service provides not only outstanding food preparation but also housekeeping and camp management. Your workers will only need to focus on business while Clean Harbors takes care of the rest.
Solids Control

Our proactive maintenance program significantly reduces equipment failures through well-maintained equipment.
Clean Harbors is a full-service provider in handling and controlling oil and gas drilling related solids.
Many times when tackling a drilling project, multiple companies and several points of contact are required to remove waste, manage fluids and/or provide additional drilling operations. This complicated process can lead to frustration and miscommunication.
Working with Clean Harbors, all of your drilling-related needs are handled effectively by one company. We have a fleet of centrifuges in a variety of sizes and capacities, patented fluid management systems, reliable surface rental equipment, and overall solids control maintenance and service to increase the efficiency of your drilling projects.
Clean Harbors Solids Control
- Minimize drilling waste
- Maximize re-usable and recyclable drilling fluid
- Increase drilling uptime
- Decrease drilling costs
- Optimize for maximum solids control
Clean Harbors Centrifuges are highly reliable and come in a variety of sizes, capacities and combination options.
Locating centrifuges in a variety of sizes and capacities is a challenge. Also, finding a company that can internally maintain a reliable fleet of centrifuges is nearly impossible. Look no further than Clean Harbors. Our service and reliability is unmatched in the industry.
With over 200 decanting centrifuges, you have access to a wide range of services to handle your drilling fluid separation and filtration needs. Our equipment is regularly monitored to consistently run at a high-efficiency level.
- Decrease drilling costs
- Lower waste volume
- High separation efficiency and flow capacity
Clean Harbors Centrifuges can also be integrated with other equipment to develop effective combination units, using less space on your drilling site.
- Single and double auger combo tank
- Hydraulic double auger combo tank
- Super pre-mix and floc tanks
Download Fact Sheet (Peak Performance Centrifuges)
Download Fact Sheet (Peak Performance Hydraulic Centrifuge Stand)
Auger Tank Technology
Clean Harbors Peak PerformanceTM Auger Tank Technology has patented equipment, which ensures maximum retention time of drilling fluids to aid in efficient separation and accumulation of flocculated solids.
Concentrated solids that settle in the tank are fed to the centrifuges by an auger that is installed in the bottom of the tank—enabling centrifuges to operate at maximum efficiency. Abrasion on pumps, motors and drill string is minimized.
Clean Harbors Auger Tank Technology
- Eliminates cost of sump preparation and cleanup
- Reduces chemical and water consumption
- Reduces solids in drilling fluid
- Results in less disposal volume for drilling mud
Let our technical expertise guide your drilling projects to your desired business goal successfully.
Tank Farms

Clean Harbors Tank Farms are thoroughly tested and maintain the same high quality you would expect of an industry expert.
When your business needs additional drilling equipment, you require well-maintained, thoroughly tested materials. Otherwise, you could run the risk of equipment failure during your busiest time or most crucial projects.
Clean Harbors Tank Farms house and maintain our high-quality rental equipment for your convenience. Every piece of equipment within our tank farms is carefully inspected before the next rental, assuring safety and reliability.
Clean Harbors Tank Farms include:
- Secondary containment
- Rig mats
- 400 bbl tanks
- Hoses/Manifolds
- Pumps
- Line crossing
- Large-capacity fire extinguishers
Clean Harbors Access and Rig Mattings are safe and reliable for rugged project sites.
Durable and stable matting is essential during most oil- and gas-related projects. Clean Harbors Mattings are perfect for distributing heavy loads over underground pipelines. We offer Access and Rig Matting that can be used on a range of terrain including watercourses, swamps, zero disturbance, pipelines and muddy sites.
Access Matting
- Size: 8 x 14 feet
- Material: Three-ply laminated solid oak
Rig Matting
- Sizes: 3 x 20 feet to 8 x 40 feet
- Material: Steel triple rail with wood in-fill
Clean Harbors Mattings have been field tested to produce safe site access with reliability you can count on.
Light Towers
Clean Harbors Light Towers are portable and can be used as essential site light sources.
Low or dim site lighting can lead to critical mistakes, causing potential damage and a loss in revenue. Many sites are in remote locations and, therefore, need remote solutions. Clean Harbors Light Towers are portable telescopic light sources that can illuminate an entire site area.
Clean Harbors Light Towers come in wheeled and skid-mounted options in a variety of sizes. Our technical expertise allows us to expand your capabilities in order to meet your overall project goals.
Clean Harbors Generators provide essential power sources for remote site locations.
A power loss means a loss in work and revenue, driving up costs. Backup systems are vital on sites to ensure work is continuous and productive. Clean Harbors Generators maximize your site capabilities by providing durable power sources in a variety of sizes to fit your job requirements.
Clean Harbors Generators are typically skid-mounted enclosures with large capacity fuel tanks and distribution panels.
- Maximize safety
- Easy to use
- Easy to access
Drilling Fluids Recovery Systems

</a> Our systems save you money and make optimal use of your resources
With extensive waste management expertise, specialized equipment and technical proficiency, Clean Harbors offers industry-leading drilling fluids recovery systems.
Clean Harbors understands that minimizing waste, saving money and making optimal use of resources are critical goals for industrial drilling projects. Our Drilling Fluids Recovery Systems (DFRS) provide a cost-effective method for recovering oil-based mud (OBM) so that the oil can be reused rather than discarded as waste.
Our DFRS use high-efficiency drying shakers mounted on fluid recovery containment tanks to recover the most oil-based fuel possible. Recovering more fluid for reuse reduces drilling costs and decreases the amount of waste for disposal—saving material, transportation and landfill costs.
Additional Benefits of Clean Harbors DFRS
- Linear motion vibrators capable of generating 5 Gs on the drying shaker
- Screening area of 27.5 square feet
- Variety of screen mesh sizes to maximize efficiency with different mud conditions
- Adjustable deck angle to optimize retention time
- Containment tank with sloped bottom and integral flush system
- Submersible pump that transfers drilling fluid back to the active mud system
Industrial drilling is an expensive, highly technical process with significant waste management implications. Clean Harbors DFRS ensure maximum oil-based mud recovery and minimal waste, saving our clients money and creating operational efficiencies.