Landfill Facilities

Ultimate and Fail-Safe Waste Disposal
With seven hazardous waste landfills and two non-hazardous waste landfills, Clean Harbors provides cost-effective, safe and secure waste stream disposal throughout North America. All of our hazardous waste landfills are built to Subtitle C standards.
We thoroughly audit and routinely inspect every site to make sure final disposal is in full compliance with all regulations. All Clean Harbors sites are state-of-the-art and fully engineered with sophisticated collection systems.
Download Fact Sheet (Landfill Disposal Services for Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Waste)
Landfill Treatment and Disposal Technologies
- Direct landfill
- Solidification
- Macroencapsulation
- Microencapsulation
- Metals stabilization
- Chemical oxidation
- Landfill leachate
Typical Waste Types Handled at Our Landfills
- Liquids, solids, semi-solids and sludge
- Inorganic waste
- Organic waste
- Listed hazardous waste
- RCRA waste with heavy metals
- RCRA waste with organics
- Non-hazardous waste
- Oil and water mixtures
- PCB disposal
- Radioactive waste (NORM/TENORM)
- Transportation and logistics
NORM and TENORM Waste Disposal
Clean Harbors provides disposal for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) and Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM) waste at our Deer Trail, Colorado, and Buttonwillow, California, facilities.
Deer Trail and Buttonwillow are fully-permitted Subtitle C landfills authorized to accept NORM and TENORM waste containing radionuclides (in the decay series of U-238, U-235 and Th-232) up to 2000 pCi/gram for Deer Trail and up to 1800 pCi/gram for Buttonwillow.
Download Fact Sheet (NORM and TENORM Waste Disposal Services)