Texas Teams Receive "Contractor Safety Excellence Award"

Clean Harbors recently received Chevron Phillips Chemical Company's (CPChem) "Contractor Safety Excellence Award" for in-site work at the company's Port Arthur, Texas, and Cedar Bayou, Texas, locations.
Clean Harbors was formally presented the award in July at CPChem's Contractor Safety Forum in Houston.
To be eligible for the award, Clean Harbors worked at the two CPChem sites for more than 25,000 cumulative hours in 2017, with a Total Recordable Incident Rate of less than 0.17, having no injuries requiring hospitalization and without corporate variance. Beyond those base numbers, Clean Harbors additionally proved itself worthy in a number of safety-related categories including: sustainability, improvement, corrective actions, hazard recognition and initiatives.
CPChem informed Kevin Zenkevich, Clean Harbors' vice president of corporate accounts, via congratulatory letter last month.