PFAS Removal & Treatment Services
Services Include:
PFAS Sampling
Clean Harbors is well versed in sampling and analysis of PFAS compounds. We guide our clients through the process of testing, data analysis, treatment and final deposition of waste.
PFAS Analysis
Clean Harbors provides comprehensive analysis of PFAS samples through our network of laboratories, including our newly certified PFAS analysis laboratory in Baltimore, MD.
Drinking Water Solutions
In the U.S., PFAS is ubiquitous in drinking water. We offer mobile and fixed potable treatment solutions, ready for quick deployment. Our team can help you navigate this challenging environment by making the right decisions for your situation.
AFFF Management
Clean Harbors specializes in the safe removal and destruction of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF), a firefighting foam containing toxic PFAS chemicals. Our expertise in managing AFFF and PFAS ensures the disposal of your waste is handled in accordance with all regulatory requirements.
Industrial Water Solutions
Clean Harbors has been at the forefront of treating industrial and municipal wastewater for clients across the United States since 2017. To date, we have installed and operated over 60 systems at various locations including: AFFF impacted sites, plating facilities, manufacturing facilities, refinery facilities and municipal WWTPs.
Soil Remediation
Clean Harbors can handle large-scale, complex site cleanup projects and environmental needs for the public and private sectors. We can remediate any location to meet corporate or regulatory cleanup requirements.
Waste Transportation
Clean Harbors provides the widest range of transportation options for waste materials. Our turnkey approach to waste transportation creates a wide variety of options and liability protection. With over 20,000 company-owned vehicles, Clean Harbors is one of the top 15 private carriers in North America.
Disposal / Destruction
High temperature, hazardous waste combustion that is MACT EEE compliant is the premier destruction technology. Our permitted, hazardous waste, incinerators operate at temperatures above 1000 C which is required for destruction of the PFAS molecule. These facilities have 7 steps in the destruction process to ensure the best available destruction technology.
If you have any questions or would like to request a free quote, please reach out to or give us a call at 231.258.8014