Clean Harbors’ sustainability services have been recognized on a global scale and stage.
The company was named to Corporate Knights’ 2024 list of the 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World. The recognition was announced in Davos, Switzerland during the 54th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum on Wednesday, Jan. 17.
Corporate Knights Inc. is an independent media and research company committed to advancing a sustainable economy. This is their 20th annual “Global 100” sustainability ranking. As a group, the 2024 Global 100 corporations invested 55% of their capital expenditures, research and development, and acquisitions in green themes, compared to an average of 17% by other large companies.
Clean Harbors was ranked 13th, and was second among all U.S.-based companies.
“Earning a spot on the Global 100 list is truly an honor and reflects the hard work of everyone across our entire organization,” said Sustainability Manager Dan Liwicki. “This global recognition emphasizes the sustainable services at the core of our business. The solutions we provide are the mechanism by which our customers can improve their own sustainable footprint and join in our mission to protect the environment not only in the communities we serve, but across the globe.”
The complete ranking can be found on the Corporate Knights website here.
Last year Corporate Knights, along with the nonprofit As You Sow, listed Clean Harbors as one of the top companies worldwide in sustainable practices on their Carbon Clean200 list. This year our recognition went to another level. The Global 100 is an even more exclusive grouping, focusing on a company’s green and sustainable revenue sources, core products and services, and other factors.
Global 100 companies represent the top echelon in the world on sustainability performance. To determine the 2024 ranking, Corporate Knights transparently analyzed nearly 7,000 companies with more than $1 billion in revenues against global industry peers on a suite of up to 25 quantitative key performance indicators, weighted to reflect each industry’s impact profile.
The full 2024 methodology can be found here.
Clean Harbors maintains sustainable revenue sources through our recycling and re-refining of used motor oil and solvents, along with our work in facilitating the proper destruction and disposal of ozone-depleting and hazardous substances. The company leads efforts to strengthen the resiliency of the customers and the communities we service through spill prevention and remediation, natural disaster response and relief. Additionally, over the years, the company has avoided more than twice the emissions we generate from our operations.
To learn more about sustainability at Clean Harbors, click here.